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A few more things you should

know about me...

     I'm originally from Winston-Salem, am a filmmaking graduate of the University of NC School of the Arts, and I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in film-making and cinematography. After college, I traveled a bit and I worked for 2 years in television news.

     In 2007 I began attending Natural Touch School of Massage Therapy. I received my license in December of 2008, and I have15 years and over 13,000 hours of hands-on massage therapy experience since then.
For 3 years I taught hands-on massage therapy classes at Kneaded Energy School of Massage in Greensboro, in subjects ranging from basic Swedish massage, chair massage, comfort care, energy work, self-care, deep tissue, and condition-specific work.


   After living in Greensboro for 9 years, in 2015 I felt that it was time to move back home to Winston-Salem, to build my client base here, and reconnect with our friends in the arts community that we love so much.
In June of 2015, I created Blue Lotus Massage and Bodywork, and in June 2016, I relocated my practice to The Wellness Collective on 5th Street.

In November of 2022, I was invited to join The Sanctuary at West End, where I currently see clients.   

In 2020 - when I reopened my office after the shut down, I began to get more and more inquiries about Lymphatic Drainage for surgical recovery. Cosmetic procedures began to boom then.
I had previous training and experience in the Lymphatic Drainage and there was a definite need in the area, as there were very few folks offering it. I began to read up and take training in
post-op care and bodywork. I also got very involved in the small online community of Manual Lymphatic Drainage and post-op therapists - often sharing tips, information, and our challenges. 
In May of 2022, I became double certified in
Manual Lymphatic Drainage after training with the Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) becoming an MLD -C. Since then I've continued to train in post-op care as well as MLD for clients currently in remission from cancer. 

And in 2024 I finally upgraded to Blue Lotus Lymphatics & Aftercare LLC, so that I could provide educational materials, consultations,  and post-op MLD self-care courses for patients recovering from cosmetic or plastic surgery proceedures 



My husband works with musicians and talent at a local music venue, (we are both music lovers) and we live with our two cats, Delia & I.O.(like the moon of Jupiter.)  She’s a small hurricane of a tabby, who is afraid of nothing.  He's a giant ball of fur (part Maine Coon) and a gentleman, who has a soft, barely audible meow. Needless to say, they keep us entertained.


I love aerial & circus arts, dance, barre & Pilates, writing non-fiction, and loud rock & roll. And have a dream to perform as an aerial dancer at least once.
I trained in Aerial Silks Teacher Training at The Circus Arts Institute in Atlanta and
 am also certified through the MomentOm Arts program in Durham, to teach Aerial Yoga classes.I have taught aerial yoga classes at the Gateway YWCA and I am always on the search for space to teach classes and private sessions.

In 2020, after years of interest in the subject, I began training to become a Facilitator of Family Constellations to help others heal ancestral trauma and deep-seated patterns. I'm currently on hiatus from this training to focus on my own ancestral healing. 
(Can you tell
I LOVE learning? It's my one true addiction.)


My end goal as a lymphatic drainage therapist, massage therapist, aerial yoga instructor, is to connect with my community by helping others feel empowered, more educated about, and more in tune with their body and values. 

If you have any burning questions about my work or path, feel free to send me an email. I will try to reply as quickly as I can, and with the utmost sincerity. 

Training & Professional Credentials: 

Training & Education
2nd Page of CV / Continuing Education & Credentials
A sticker indicating that the bodywork therapist is insured through the Association of Bodywork & Massage Professionals.
A sticker indicating that the bodywork therapist Safe Zone Trained/Certified
1st Page of CV / Continuing Education & Credentials
3rd Page of CV / Continuing Education & Credentials
Located within 
The Sanctuary 

433 West End Boulevard
Winston-Salem  27101 
By Text:  336-660-4455
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A photo of the front of a business with a sign that reads "The Sanctuary at West End."
Land acknowledgment:
I respectfully acknowledge that my office sits on the ancestral land of the Cheraw/Saura, Yesan/Tutelo, Mánu: Yį Įsuwą/Catawba, Keyawee, Occaneechi/Saponi people.
I honor those who have stewarded this land through generations, prior to the arrival of my ancestors, so that I may work and hold space for my clients to move toward healing.

I commit to recognizing and repairing the harm that colonization has caused to this land and to its Indigenous people.

offer gratitude & respect to elders & knowledge-keepers, past, present, and emerging.


A drawing of native/indigenous people that reads " You are on Tutelo, Saponi, & Keyauwee Land."


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